Monday, April 13, 2009

This relationship should stay platonic

Look, I'm not trying to tell anyone how to live, but I don't think this relationship should progress to the "more than friends" phase. I know a lot of people don't believe that its possible for a male and a female to have a totally plantonic relationship, and urges can be hard to fight. Things happen, right? But, still, I'm just saying - ideally, these two won't move past the platonic stage. If things were to advance, I think there would be a lot of obstacles, and I'm guessing both people would wind up regretting it.


  1. This is really perverted and offensive. Please don't post anything else like this.

  2. Anonymous,

    In all due respect, I don't see what's so perverted about a woman and a baby maintaining a totally non-sexual relationship. Keep reading!


  3. oh, that's a woman? it's hard to tell...
