Thursday, April 16, 2009

They titled that movie "The Wrestler" for a reason

Sometimes I watch a movie and find myself wondering where the producers came up with the idea for the title. Pulp Fiction? American Beauty? Reservoir Dogs? Snatch? Now these are all good movies with cool titles, and I'm sure the titles mean something to someone, but I don't pretend to know what those meanings are. And Snatch...well let's just say that title is pretty misleading.

On the other hand, the movie, "The Wrestler," starring Mickey Rourke, left me with no such wonder. While I don't pretend to have in depth knowledge of the inner workings of the film, I'm 99% sure that they called it "The Wrestler" because the title character is a professional wrestler.

(Be on the lookout for my followup post, "They call it horse-back riding for a reason.")

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