Wednesday, April 15, 2009

When you lose something, you ALWAYS find it in the last place you look

My pal AH came up with this life-changing breakthrough the other day. At first I didn't believe her, but then I thought about it and it was so simple - the last place you look is always where you'll find something that you've lost. Always.

Sometimes, that last place is also the first place you look. If that's the case, you're a very lucky person (see: my post from 4/14/09). Sometimes, you *think* you've looked in your last place and you despondently "give up", because you still haven't found it. But then, alas, one day when you least expect it, you look in another last place (the REAL last place), and there it is! Most of the time though, you lose something, you look and look and look for it, and then, fairly unceremoniously, you look someplace and there it is. And where was that place you found it? The last place you looked.



  1. But what if another person is helping you look for it and they find it for you, but you don't know that they found it yet. You go on searching and eventually the other person hands it to you, it wasn't in the last place you looked. Well, I guess if you count the person's hand... or whatever limb they are using to hand it to you.

  2. Hey! It is possible for them to hand it to you without you even looking at their hand, so definitely not ALWAYS.

  3. ..And what if you die before you find it?

  4. i cant find my ipod i have looked everywhere! where could it me please help

  5. well ovesly u find it in the last place you look cuz u wouldent go looking for the object if u aredy found it. duh
