Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Joe Biden is the New Dick Cheney
Cotton underwear are more comfortable than thongs
"Ginger...look at us! We're so much more enticing than those slutty thongs. We are not only simple and made from a breathable fabric, but we also done ride up you toosh. Who cares that sometimes we show a line through your pants? Who cares that we don't fully display the curves of your rump as juicily? We've been with you forever practically.
Remember when you were little and we were little flowered undies? And remember those cute little undershirt tank tops that that you used to have that matched us? We've stood by you all these years. Those thongs are just attention-seeking, faddish, masochists. They won't be there for you when you're figure is gone. They won't be there for you when you want to work out! We are steadfast and ever so comfy. Remember where your loyalties lie."
Monday, March 30, 2009
This recession is not good for the working man
I’m just gonna channel Ron Burgundy and throw this out there. If you like it, you can take it, and if you don’t, go ahead and throw it back. This recession is not good for the working man. This was not the conclusion I initially came to when considering this issue, nor did it come easily to me, but it did, and there’s no turning back.
For months, I had been thinking that this recession helped Barack get elected and that was good for the working man, and that gas is cheaper now, so that was good for the working man, and that McDonalds is making lattes now and that was VERY good for the working man, and all of these pluses added up to a pretty convincing argument that the recession was good for the working man.
However, as I began to dig deeper and drink less, I found the dirty little secret-the cloud between the silver-lining. A recession meant that people were getting laid off and that businesses were not in a position to hire, with the result being that a great number of people were out of a job. At first glance, this doesn’t sound that bad. Vacations are great. Seven-day weekends are even better. What you don’t hear, what nobody tells you, is that if people don’t work, they don’t get paid. If they don’t get paid, they can’t buy things like food and clothes for themselves or their families. We can’t have naked starving people running through the streets. Further, some people out of work might have problems making mortgage or rent payments and get kicked out of their place. I’m not sure if you’ve ever tried it, but homelessness blows. So while I considered the arguments of the other side, I eventually came to the conclusion that, because this recession put a huge number of people out of work, and being out of work sucks, this recession sucks.
My three New Year’s Resolutions this year were to join a yoga class, limit my sodium intake, and be more positive than I had been in the past. While I never even made a token attempt to do the first two things, I’ve really tried to stay positive. Unfortunately, circumstances dictate that I write my conscience. It is with a heavy heart that I declare that this recession is not good for the working man.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
When a woman says you look like Verne Lundquist, she does NOT mean it as a compliment
Look, I don’t mean to take shots at Verne, who has a voice so beautiful it could put a child to sleep. But let's call a spade a spade. He’s not an attractive guy. So I don’t mean to burst your bubble, but if your lady or any lady says you bear a resemblance to Verne Lundquist, she does not mean it as a compliment. Sorry, friend.
E-mail is the new mail
The week of my period is not the best week of my month
First, there's the aforementioned pain. At best that knotty-burning sensation annoys me; at worst, it makes me feel like I want to puke whenever I stand up. Its just not as exhilarating feeling that way as I once thought it was.
Next, there's the products you have to use to cope. I used to think it was cool to stick a wad of cotton up you hoo-ha or to have a mini diaper-like pad stuck to your underwear. But, as it turns out, that fun wears off.
Finally, there's the activities you have to forgo. Your period causes you to have to miss out on some pretty important things. Forget swimming with sharks. Don't even think about wearing those stylish white pants you just bought.
Ladies, I know this may come as a shock to most of you, but I'm pretty sure having your period is a burden. It's almost so burdensome, that if I didn't know any better, I'd think it was a punishment from God.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Keep it on grass: why baseball shouldn’t be played on cement or water
I sense that some people think that Major League Baseball needs to develop another surface other than grass and Astroturf on which to play baseball. My sixth sense tells me that these people have narrowed their list of acceptable surfaces to cement and water.
Baseball purists have been arguing for cement for years, pointing out that kids grew up playing the game on the school blacktop-the way God and Abner Doubleday intended. Just last week, George Will, a political pundit and baseball geek, argued that, “baseball should either be played on cement or in a tent, and I’m kidding about the tent.” While voices such as Will’s have been heard loud and clear by the powers that be, the pro-water camp has been gaining steam due to the persistence of PETA, who has been pushing for an all-dolphin team since the late 1980’s.
I know I’m just a blogger, but I think we should play baseball on grass. It’s soft enough so the players don’t get hurt but firm enough to prevent them from sinking to the bottom of a pool. Cement would be a terribly unforgiving surface on the players’ bodies and playing on it would bring a multitude of injuries, and water would bring…can I just say that playing baseball on water is just absurd. I really don’t even know how to begin arguing against such a ridiculous premise.
Keep baseball on grass. C’mon guys. Use your heads.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Methadone is my Anti-Drug
Sometimes exercise and painting don't help me with my heroin addiction. That's why methadone is my anti-drug.
According to the Office of National Drug Control Policy:
Some people work for a living
“Hey dad, you want to go grab lunch and hit a movie tomorrow?”
“Sorry, Steve, some people work for a living.”
“Oh great point. I hadn’t thought of that. Maybe next time.”
“Hey dad, have you seen my computer?”
“Hilarious, Mary. Some people work for a living.”
“Wait what? How does that apply?”
“Dad, do some people for work for a living?”
“You know Joe, some people work…wait what did you ask?”
I poke fun at my dad, but he’s right. Some people do work for a living. Some work construction. Some are teachers. Some work in tech support. The list goes on. There are literally dozens of occupations. Never should have doubted you, dad.
*In the spirit of full disclosure, my dad has said this maybe three times in the past few years and I choose to beat this joke into the ground.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I Will Never be an Astronaut
FDR wasn’t that great of an athlete
I couldn’t believe that one of the best presidents our country has ever known was also one of our better athletes. I literally had a hard time believing it. So when I became old enough, I went to our local library and checked out a book on FDR. Upon reading it, I came to a conclusion that shook me to the core. It turns out FDR didn’t even compete in the ’36 Olympics let alone win two gold medals. In fact, he spent most of his adult life in a wheelchair. He could barely walk. So while FDR rightfully takes his place in any discussion of the best presidents in United States history, he really wasn’t that great of an athlete.
Friday, March 20, 2009
I Feel Warmer in My Winter Coat
Imagine two people, Person A and Person B. Person A is walking to his car on a winter afternoon wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Person B is also walking to his car on a winter afternoon wearing a t-shirt and jeans. However, Person B is wearing a winter coat. Which man is warmer? If you were to ask 100 people, some would say A, some would say B, and some would just come clean and say they didn't know. The answer, and this may surprise the powers that be, is that Person B, the man with the winter coat, is warmer.
How can I say this which such certainty? I am the man in both scenarios. I am Person A and Person B!!! About three weeks ago, I went outside to grab something out of my car, which was parked out on the street. I had a grey t-shirt and blue jeans on but no coat. I was really cold. I grabbed what I needed and hurried back inside. No more than a half hour later, it was time for me to head to school for class. This time I grabbed my winter coat on my way out and put it on. I was much warmer this time. I'm no scientist, but the coat must have been the reason.
Look I'm not trying to shock anybody here, and if you want to keep living your life, eating Frosted Flakes and driving your Dodge Stratus, feel free to ignore my posts. Stay in your little bubble if you must. I just want to pass on what I've learned, and I really do feel warmer in my winter coat.